5 Benefits of Having a Book Writing Mentor

Putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and taking the plunge to write your first novel can be a daunting experience. Even if you’ve already written a book or two, the sense of overwhelm and mild imposter syndrome that a new book creates is enough to make you pause for a moment. 

Every author’s goal is to create something that makes an impact and resounds with the audience, leaving them satisfied yet wanting more. And with so many authors busily crafting their literary masterpieces, it’s a competitive industry. Self-publishing means millions of books for readers to choose from, making it more challenging than ever to stand out from the crowd.

The answer, then, is undoubtedly to produce a book that blows all others of its genre out of the water. It sounds simple enough, but anyone who’s tried to write tens of thousands of words and convey a complex story will tell you it’s a tough job. And that’s where the magic of a book writing mentor becomes an invaluable asset.

A book writing mentor provides several important benefits that could give your project the edge it needs to stand out. These include:

Motivation and accountability

Writing a book takes a level of self-discipline that’s hard to overstate. Avoiding the temptation to ease off or take a break is tricky, but a book writing mentor can provide encouragement and inspiration, keeping you focused and committed. In addition, regular check-ins with your mentor will keep you on track. 

Guidance and inspiration  

Writing can be lonely and frustrating when the words dry up. A mentor can help you open up the plot, explore the story, and help you build the characters and narrative structure. Your book writing mentor can keep the flame of your passion alight if it begins to flicker. 

Feedback and critique 

A mentor will give constructive feedback and provide suggestions for improvement. They will help you develop your style and tone, ensuring consistency throughout the work. A book writing mentor provides the objective view that authors often need once lost in the details of their work. 

Industry expertise and insights 

As your book nears completion, the next step is finding a publisher. A writing mentor will use their experience to help you navigate the publishing industry, advising on finding literary agents or publishers, submitting the manuscript, and navigating the publishing process. They may also be able to introduce you to agents, editors, or fellow writers to expand your network. 

Emotional support 

Writing a book is a unique journey. The more you write, the more invested you become, yet something like writer’s block or another distraction can make you want to walk away. A book writing mentor will offer emotional support, understanding the highs and lows of the writing process. They will help you push through and keep going.

There’s no doubt that a book writing mentor can make a massive difference in the quality and success of your book, but it’s essential to choose the right one. Look for someone familiar with your genre who’s willing to give honest and constructive feedback and someone with a portfolio of their own work to give you a sense of their experience. 

So if you have a book that you’re itching to write but aren’t quite sure whether you can do it, or if you have written one already and it hasn’t had the impact you’d hoped, perhaps now is the time to seek a book writing mentor. There are so many great reasons to give it a try, and if you do, you are giving yourself — and your book — the strongest chance of becoming a bestseller.

Do you need help writing a non-fiction book that will appeal to a diverse group of readers? Book a consultation with us today to learn more about getting your book published.


  • Danni White

    Danni White is the CEO of DW Creative Publishers, a publishing house designed to help authors share their stories with the world. She is also the author of 16 books, including several Amazon.com bestsellers.