20 Mindset Tips for New and Aspiring Writers

As an aspiring writer, you’re poised on the threshold of a unique journey, one that will lead you into uncharted territories of creativity and imagination. Yet, before you dive into crafting your first masterpiece, it’s essential to develop a strong mindset to thrive in this often challenging yet rewarding field.

Here are 20 mindset tips for new and aspiring writers to get you started:

  • Embrace a Beginner’s Mind: Every single writer starts from scratch. Maintain a sense of curiosity and a willingness to learn, unlearn, and relearn. This mindset will keep your writing fresh and your enthusiasm high.
  • Accept Imperfection: Your first draft won’t be perfect, and that’s perfectly okay. Writing is a process of revision and refinement. Embrace the imperfections; they are stepping stones to your final masterpiece.
  • Cultivate Discipline: Motivation does not last, but discipline can carry you through. Make writing a daily habit. Consistency is more potent than occasional bursts of inspiration.
  • Patience is Key: Writing is a marathon, not a sprint. It may take longer than you think to complete a project or to get published. Be patient with yourself and the process.
  • Believe in Yourself: Confidence can be your most powerful tool. Trust in your capabilities, even when faced with criticism or rejection.
  • Learn from Rejection: Every ‘no’ can bring you closer to a single ‘yes.’ And a single ‘yes’ is all you need. Learn from rejection and see it as an opportunity for improvement, not as a personal affront.
  • Read Widely: Reading broadens your horizons, nourishes your creativity, and provides insights into successful writing. Immerse yourself in a diverse range of genres, authors, and styles.
  • Stay Curious: A sense of wonder fuels creativity. Keep asking questions, exploring new ideas, and delving into different perspectives.
  • Find Your Unique Voice: Each writer has a unique voice. Don’t compare yourself to others; instead, focus on discovering and nurturing your own style.
  • Welcome Feedback: Constructive feedback can help refine your work. Be open to criticism, discerning valuable advice from mere opinion.
  • Be Resilient: The path of a writer is strewn with challenges. Developing resilience will help you bounce back from setbacks and keep you focused on your goals.
  • Write for Yourself First: Write what you want to read, what excites and interests you. Authenticity resonates with readers more than any contrived plot or character.
  • Prioritize Learning: Take writing workshops, join writers’ groups, and study writing techniques. A continuous learning mindset will enhance your skills and expose you to different viewpoints.
  • Avoid Procrastination: Writers often struggle with procrastination. Overcome this by setting realistic goals, breaking larger tasks into manageable parts, and rewarding yourself for milestones achieved.
  • Embrace Vulnerability: Sharing your thoughts and emotions through writing can be daunting but rewarding. Embrace vulnerability; it allows you to create with depth and authenticity.
  • Develop a Thick Skin: Not everyone will love your work, and that’s okay. Separate yourself from your writing to handle criticism objectively and use what some people say to improve.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every finished chapter, every sentence that makes you proud, is a win. Celebrate these achievements; they fuel motivation and remind you of your progress.
  • Stay Humble: There’s always room for improvement. Stay humble, continually strive to enhance your craft, and remain receptive to new ideas and insights.
  • Remember Your ‘Why’: When the going gets tough, remember the reason you started writing in the first place. Also, look to the future of what outcome you can expect. This guiding light can keep you grounded and motivated.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Writing can be taxing physically and mentally. Ensure you take regular breaks, get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise regularly. A healthy body nurtures a creative mind.

Remember, mindset is as important, if not more, as skill when it comes to writing. These tips aren’t rules but tools to help you navigate the world of writing with confidence and resilience. Now, go forth and create your masterpiece!


  • Danni White

    Danni White is the CEO of DW Creative Publishers, a publishing house designed to help authors share their stories with the world. She is also the author of 16 books, including several Amazon.com bestsellers.